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Add and Manage Hyperlinks in a Named Range

You can add a http or https hyperlink to a cell value in the named range so the hyperlink can be linked to Word. You can do this for named ranges created for a cell and created for a table.

After adding the hyperlink to a cell, you can then link the hyperlink to Microsoft Word when you add or update the link to which the hyperlink was added in Word. You can also edit or remove a hyperlink in Excel and update the changes in Word.

Add a Hyperlink to a Cell Value in Excel

To add a hyperlink to a cell value in Excel

  1. Open the Microsoft Excel workbook that contains the data to which you want to add a hyperlink and link to a Microsoft Word document.
  2. If necessary, create a named range for a cell or create a named range for a table so you can link the hyperlink to Word.
  3. Using the mouse, highlight the desired cell value in a named range to which you want to insert a hyperlink.

  4. Right-click the highlighted cell and click Hyperlink.

  5. In the Address field, insert the link.

    Note: The hyperlink address must begin with 'http://' or 'https://' or the hyperlink will not be added to Word.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Save your changes.

Note: To add the hyperlink to Word, add the table link in Microsoft Word or add the cell (item) link in Microsoft Word. If you have already added the link containing the hyperlink to Word, you must update the link in Microsoft Word to add the hyperlink to Word.

Edit a Hyperlink Added to a Cell Value in Excel

To edit a hyperlink added to a cell value in Excel

  1. Open the Microsoft Excel workbook that contains the named range with the hyperlink you want to edit.
  2. Using the mouse, highlight the desired cell value of a named range containing the hyperlink you want to edit.

    Note: To avoid opening the hyperlink if the hyperlink fills the entire cell, you can also use the mouse to highlight a cell next to the desired cell value and then use the keyboard arrows to select the cell.

  3. Right-click the highlighted cell and click Edit Hyperlink.

  4. Edit the hyperlink or link name (Text to Display field) or link address (Address field) as needed.

    Note: The hyperlink address must begin with 'http://' or 'https://' or the hyperlink will not be added to Word.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Save your changes.

Note: To update the hyperlink edits in Word if the link containing the hyperlink is linked to Word, update the link in Microsoft Word. This updates the hyperlink address if it was changed, updates the link text (cell value) if it was changed, or both.

To link the hyperlink edits to Word if the item or table link containing the hyperlink has not been added to Word, add the cell (item) link to Microsoft Word or add the table link to Microsoft Word.

Remove a Hyperlink Added to a Cell Value in Excel

To remove a hyperlink added to a cell value in Excel

  1. Open the Microsoft Excel workbook that contains the named range with the hyperlink you want to remove.
  2. Using the mouse, highlight the desired cell value containing the hyperlink you want to remove.

    Note: To avoid opening the hyperlink if the hyperlink fills the entire cell, you can also use the mouse to highlight a cell next to the desired cell value and then use the keyboard arrows to select the cell.

  3. Right-click the highlighted cell and click Remove Hyperlink.

  4. Save your changes.

    Note: To remove the hyperlink from Word if the link containing the hyperlink is linked to Word, update the link in Microsoft Word.

See Also

Guide: Link the Exhibit Index

Add a Table Link to Microsoft Word

Add a Cell (Item) Link to Microsoft Word

Update a Link in Microsoft Word
